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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.


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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« on: January 12, 2006, 09:36:52 pm »
Yo, PsyBorg, you really need to chill. Your disrespect to some of the members at TSC needs to end. Now you are starting to mouth off at me, wth. For people who haven't learned of this (because PsyBorg has PMed me and I've been banned from the chat :X) PsyBorg has accused me of cheating. He claims that my Black Comet-Dark time is bull shit, why? because I improved my score the next day and when I submitted my time for BC-Dark, I didn't beat his score. BS excuse?, I think so, or it could be just plainly the fact that he can't seem to beat it.. This isn't a first from PsyBorg may I point out. He's even accused Shadow Jacky and yoshifan, two very well respected and excellent players here at TSC of cheating all because he couldn't attain a time of their elitist level. I'm going to post the most recent PM from PsyBorg to me:

The "I'M FEELING BAD FUCK YOU" excuse is the oldest trick in the book. Being a bastard to me isn't going to prove anything; and not explaining your strats really feels TSC style, doesn't it? [/sarcasm]

I feel bad for you, actually. I have a feeling now that you're cheating, and you are defending it just to make yourself look good. If you don't explain or actually at least part-way prove your legitimacy on Black Comet Dark, it proves something about you, doesn't it?

PsyBorg, you seriously, need to get your priorities straight, and start respecting others, especially when they are regulars at TSC and know a little bit more than you do. Your reputation has been shot in my eyes, but that's just me. How dare you DEMAND strats from me. I don't have to do anything you tell me to do, who do you think you are? Just because you may have gotten the game before me, or as you claim, you are an excellent player, doesn't mean that everytime that you can't obtain is considered bull shit. If that were true, than mike, SJ, yoshi, SM, RPG, NintenDan, SS101, Andy, Sprint and the list goes on are cheaters, no? Go ahead, go play some Sonic 2, and come back after you can't match Metropolis and accuse mike of cheating, or perhaps Sonic Advance and come back and accuse Ninty of cheating. Your arrogence has blinded you and your immunity to realize there are people that know more than you and can do certain tasks better than you. Man up, and learn some respect for you've lost mine, you probably don't care though do you? If anyone wishes to comment on this please do.
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 09:44:49 pm »
Look, PsyBorg.

There're two types of player here at TSC. Those that share strats, and those that don't.

I personally fall into the first category, because I feel that competition should be promoted. Many of the other top players such as Sprint, SM and NintenDan are part of this first category.

As for the second category, it's just as valid to not share anything and try to maintain your records. It's probably not quite as moral, but that can be ignored. Again, some of our best players such as F-Man, RPG, and sonicam fall into this category.

If he doesn't want to give you a strat, shut up, quit your whining and work it out for yourself. Constant badgering of players for strats (does this look familiar?) is not acceptable and won't be tolerated.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2006, 09:49:06 pm by mike89 »

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Offline F-Man

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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 10:00:38 pm »
I'm in the secret third category.

Where we would post vids if we got the materials but then decide not to because we lost our first place but then would be glad to do it again because we got back first place but still don't have the material.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2006, 10:01:12 pm by F-Man »

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2006, 10:13:56 pm »
Technically, we don't really need to be revealing strats unless the times/scores themselves are in question. And the higher-ups will know if they are in question. And must we bring this up again? (Only I will again this time, so mike doesn't pounce on me again.)
Remember though, if you think someone's cheating just because their times are insanely fast, there's a good chance you're wrong. :)
Believe me, I find some of the Shadow times real fast too, but I take it more as an incentive for improving myself.

Also occasionally SJ and yoshifan talk strats in the chat, but that's usually later on in the night. >_>
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2006, 01:13:17 am »
I agree with Spinballwizard of having the incintive to do better.  Just seeing higher scores and better times gets you going to see if you can match it or do better by figuring it out yourself, then if you cant either ask and maybe you might get a answer, or do like you and act like an ass about it and not get any help.  Guess that's why you dont do times.  Hell, this might give me the incintive to stomp all over your scores and dont think I cant either.
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Offline CosmicFalcon

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« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2006, 03:04:03 am »
I feel bad for you, actually.

Oh man. On the internet I see that used in arguments and debates and just flat out flames and counter-flames so much it's unbelievable. I mean what kind of point is that making? It gets lamer every time I see it.
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2006, 03:05:27 am »
As for the second category, it's just as valid to not share anything and try to maintain your records. It's probably not quite as moral, but that can be ignored. Again, some of our best players such as F-Man, RPG, and sonicam fall into this category.

U fall into the fourth category. Would make and upload vids but cant and so is now giving away strats instead :D
Did you not think I had a mind?

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2006, 04:52:34 pm »
And RPG's starting to strat share now mike. Actually I got one long before his supposed retirement. 'Course, I traded one for it, but meh.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline PsyBorg

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2006, 05:44:13 pm »
I am sorry for the meanness. I cannot control it, it's a part of me. I am truly not someone who flames, so I ask that you bear with me on this one. And as for my past, I have had problems occasionally and I regret that. However, I have something to explain.  I have legitimate proof that it's impossible to get a score and a certain time, so I rather need you to partially explain. Let me explain what is going on, kids.

Black Comet Dark is a pretty much defined path. Your objective is to destroy the GUN mechs. Now, Sonicam recently sent a time and a score on the same date. His time was 30 seconds less than my time, which I will talk about soon. Now, I know people can certainly do times well. I acknowledge that people can do extraoridinary things. However, this is Shadow the Hedgehog, and it's a straight path with no shortcuts (because you must destroy the GUN soldiers in the path). Now, Just because you've been here longer doesn't prove anything about how much of a gamer you are, as I have PMed you about. I am a very good gamer, don't get me wrong on internet experience. I am wondering HOW you can do this so fast, and there is enough reasonable doubt to mention this. You have beaten SEVERAL experienced players by thirty seconds by traveling the one and only path possible on Black Comet.

Also, the first score was recently beat by me with a time that was THIRTY SECONDS less than his time. Does that not prove something? That score was sent WITH that time. Although that's not the major point, I still find it fishy.

Whatever. I believe that I have enough proof to show that the time can not be done.  I have only badgered you about it because, unlike the other few bits of my past where I was just asking HOW it could be done, this one I really am calling you a cheater because I have enough thought put into this that could show, with my BEST knowledge of playing on Shadow the Hedgehog, that there is no way you could have done this. Regardless of what people say to me, how much they hate me for finding something strange that a "regular" has done, and anything else, I still have a point that has NOT been disproved. That is why I started to argue with you in the first place.
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2006, 07:24:13 pm »
Hmm..., that really is a shame now isn't it? To be honest, I really don't care if you consider me a cheater. That time is legit. If you cannot beat it, then sorry. If I had a camcorder or something, I'd prove you wrong, but I lack one so I can't prove myself. I'm not going to tell you anything about strats because I don't have respect for you, ok I see you have a "problem" but I'm sorry. The information you said to me in the PM is false regarding Black Comet, so obviously, you haven't learned the level enough. Why am I even bothering anymore, I'm done with time attacking, all I say is that the time is legit, you don't deserve any strats with your attitude, you have WAY too much of an ego and you need to learn respect. Whatever, I'll stop now. When I use the internet and in a shitty mood, I tend to cause more problems.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2006, 07:26:43 pm by sonicam »
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2006, 08:13:14 pm »
Ego is something we all have here, no? It shouldn't be something that you complain about. I mean, we all come here to show off our records (and to help others do the same, so we can show that we can do better than we do now by spicing up the competition). That's pretty much the point of this place.

And the truth is, people aren't nice over the internet. I don't automatically go up to someone and ask for a date. Once I know and trust the person, and the other person has done likewise, I will actually consider the person someone I would like, and maybe over time, respect. I don't instantaneously respect people. That's the way I am, if you don't like it, learn to deal with it.

Now, let's get on with the poin-

You know, it's useless. If everyone is just going to tell me about who I am rather than actually talk about or possibly disprove the points I have made, than this argument is useless. Then, I entirely give up, because it shows something about how much people will listen to a flame or an opinion rather than the logic presented. I give up. If someone can at least ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that I said something important at all, then I would like to congratulate that person. But, then again, that's siding with me, so it must automatically be evil and satanic!

Good night, guys. I'm going to improve my records now. Go on with the questions, I will answer them, but I feel that this argument is now hopeless. I guess Friday the 13th really is a bad luck day, but let's not talk about emotions anymore. I'm going to improve some records now.
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2006, 08:24:18 pm »
If there's one thing I learned about time attacking back in the early days, it's that you should never call someone a cheater on the basis of one time. You look like an ass by doing so, and you look even more like an ass when you're proven wrong. :)

There are ways in which we can determine when a player is definitely lying about their times - however no such foolproof method has been found for Shadow yet.

I say innocent until proven guilty.

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Offline yoshifan

PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2006, 09:29:26 pm »
PsyBorg, I can't say that I know how sonicam got his time (I tried BC Dark for a bit and got 4:59), but the level may not be as closed to innovation as you think.  It's one of the longest levels in the game, there are at least 3 extra GUN mechs, and there are plenty of black aliens to fill up your Hero gauge.

In fact, I just had an idea... I'll try it out later and see what I come up with.

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2006, 09:41:07 pm »
Ego is something we all have here, no? It shouldn't be something that you complain about. I mean, we all come here to show off our records (and to help others do the same, so we can show that we can do better than we do now by spicing up the competition). That's pretty much the point of this place.

And the truth is, people aren't nice over the internet. I don't automatically go up to someone and ask for a date. Once I know and trust the person, and the other person has done likewise, I will actually consider the person someone I would like, and maybe over time, respect. I don't instantaneously respect people. That's the way I am, if you don't like it, learn to deal with it.

Now, let's get on with the poin-

You know, it's useless. If everyone is just going to tell me about who I am rather than actually talk about or possibly disprove the points I have made, than this argument is useless. Then, I entirely give up, because it shows something about how much people will listen to a flame or an opinion rather than the logic presented. I give up. If someone can at least ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that I said something important at all, then I would like to congratulate that person. But, then again, that's siding with me, so it must automatically be evil and satanic!

Good night, guys. I'm going to improve my records now. Go on with the questions, I will answer them, but I feel that this argument is now hopeless. I guess Friday the 13th really is a bad luck day, but let's not talk about emotions anymore. I'm going to improve some records now.

Wow, you truely are a character. I remember speaking to mike yesterday on AIM and he said that one of the reasons he loves TSC is because of different varieties of people are apart of this community. I soleheartly agree with that. I've met many people here at TSC, some I like and can easily get along with and others I don't inwhich I obviously don't. Ok, look, you seem to think that so many people are gaining up on you and everyone is blinded from the real "problem", but have you thought to think why? Why am I being looked down upon. Why isn't everyone jumping to sonicam and asking "Hey, you DID indeed do 30 seconds better in Black Comet Dark than the 2nd place time. That just has to be bullshit! Give me your damn strat now!"? Think about that for a second. Personality is a very important aspect and that ultimately determines if that person can be trusted or not. I'm not saying my personality is perfect, it's far from it as I have already displayed in the chat, but you on the other hand have a terrible way of expressing yourself. As I just saw while writing this, yoshi himself has proven you wrong along with myself. Your "omg, it's a straight path and there are only 30 Gun mechs in the level!11?" has been proven wrong.
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2006, 11:30:32 pm »
So, be it may, there are not 30 mechs in total. However, I still feel I have enough experience in this game and this level to determine that the time, when combined with the score, is definitely debatable. It is still a set path, you know.

And about the personality crap... oh, fuck it. I'm not going to talk to you on any aspect of my personality. It's useless arguing with you on that point. I will only speak to any of you on points relating to and about the Black Comet Dark mission. End of story, that's going to be the way it is when I speak to all of you.

Now, I have to go to bed. I'll be waiting in the morning. But don't take too long.
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2006, 11:33:23 pm »
Don't wait up, cuz you're not getting anything.
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2006, 02:27:16 am »
Yoshifan beat it.

Question the top players at your own risk.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2006, 02:28:50 am by mike89 »

<3 Thorn.

Offline CosmicFalcon

PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2006, 08:18:43 am »
Never, EVER, assume that any level / mission in any Sonic game is a predetermined path. Especially since they went 3D, Sonic games have been engineered to force you into a particular path. I mean occasionally, there are obvious forks (in Glyphic Canyon and Sky Troops, there is a bit where your partner instructs you to go down, but it's easy to take one of two paths). If you let the game guide you, your time is bound to be low.

Granted, some levels in Shadow are notoriously "just run and go fast", with no leaping over half the damn level tricks. Westopolis, as far as I know, is mostly flat out running. In Lava Shelter I more or less follow the path throughout, and as far as I know so does Shadow Jacky.

However, until you have walked/run into, jumped at, spindashed, kicked, punched, shot, driven over every single aspect of a level, you do not know that there are no other options other than the path that the game is trying to get you to run!

That's the beauty of time attacking. The first task is to break down the level, know where to go. In many respects, actually playing the game is secondary.

Just felt like saying it s'all.
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2006, 08:34:30 am »
I know that many levels have specific shortcuts (i.e. Final Haunt, Air Fleet), but I know by heart that there are basically ZERO shortcuts in Black Comet Dark (only one in Black Comet Hero), because you have to destroy the GUN soldiers in the long paths. I still can't see how this is done, but let's leave it at this. I guess some people are good at certain levels. I suppose that even though I am very good at levels like Final Haunt and Digital Circuit, I might not be good on Cryptic Castle. Well, I'll keep this in mind, but I still don't see how it's possible. Oh well, I guess my record for my favorite stage is gone for good...And even knowing how much I knew the stage bit by bit, I suppose that some people just have enough skill in that area...

Bye, I'm going back to writing my score guide to Final Haunt Hero now. Let this topic burn in the depths of hell immediately so we all forget it. M'kay? M'kay.
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Offline Rayku

PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2006, 12:56:03 pm »
Look at Cannon's Core for SA2B. Look at Green Forest. Look at ANY LEVEL WITH AN INVISIBLE WALL THAT'S NOT THERE! "They beat me, I want 1st they suck!" is what you're implying. Stop it. I don't know you, but from what I can see I don't want to. This is like accusing me of my Radical Highway/Final Chase times being illegitamate. Who cares if he owns all at the level? Probably you, but you keep bitching about it so no one cares that you care. Shut up, earn some respect, -then- you can say stuff like 'Yeah, mind explaining that to me?' Don't come in here and demand everything of everyone like you own the place. Keep your mouth shut/fingers stationary until you can prove yourself that you don't do stupid things. Annoying...

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2006, 01:48:34 pm »
Basically, let me sum up what you have said to me:

-People, simply because they are new to a certain part of the internet, but could be a very, very good player at a game and might possibly know a level VERY well, should be denied rights to have a sense of cheater-finding.

-If he hasn't been here for 2000 years, he should also be denied the right to voice his opinion because we don't consider him good at the internet, even though he could very well be good at a game.

-Simply because he can't upload videos and/or he is someone we don't "respect", let's also say that he can't prove that he doesn't do stupid things.

-Let's bring in "manners" and flames when we could actually instead prove this guy wrong via logic, what he is talking about.

-Let's also convince him to do something that would take 2000 years to do.

-While we're at it, let's mention a game that, other than storyline purposes, has no relation to this game whatsoever.

I honestly don't care about my reputation at TSC as of now. That is something for later. I care that I be either proved right or wrong, as a gamer, and not a person. I don't want people to talk about ME anymore. I want to talk about the GAME. Let's keep it at that. M'kay? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.

I hate allcaps, but I need emphasis as much as I can get it. I am tired of talking about ME. You all just want to flame me, and use the fact that some regular you all love can't defend himself as an excuse to attack me as a person. I wish to be attacked as a GAMER and no longer a person. Let's talk about the GAME and nothing else. Once again, THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.

Oh yes, and this was in PM for a reason, you know. I didn't want this to be public because I knew this would happen if I made it public. I wanted to talk to Sonicam and only Sonicam. I wanted to know the truth. And what does he do? He relies on his friends instead of actually proving me wrong. In fact, now I'm so pissed, I actually feel a NEED to be proven wrong in terms of the actual stage. I want to see someone, for once, say something about the actual stage, in PM or not. Whether it goes as far as a temporary ban or not, I want to know.
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2006, 02:45:19 pm »
What the fuck are you talking about? You accused me of cheating on your first PM to me saying your "bullshit alarm is going off" all because I got a score lower than yours when I TAed the level and then updated my score the next day. You wanna know something, it was fucking because I TAed the stage, not SAed. Look at yoshi, he beat my time and he submitted his score lower than yours. So he's cheating too right? You wanted to know the truth? Well, I told you the truth when I said that the time was legit. I didn't have to give you a strat did I? In fact, you said it yourself that you believe it to be a "straight line stage" so there really should be a strat should there? You are DEMANDING that I tell you what I did in the stage, and I am DENYING your demand. Are you all mighty and I must abide by you, you aren't so I'm not. I can very well choose not to tell you my strats just as much as you choose to fucken disrespect me. Also, you were in fact proven wrong. You told me in a PM that there is exactly 30 GUN mechs in the stage. I said that the information you told me was wrong, didn't tell how it was wrong, just that it was and now yoshifan confirms it. There are 3 EXTRA GUN mechs!!!! A total of 33 GUN mechs. So Mr. omg, I'm an excellent player at Shadow the Hedgehog, if I can't get a good time/score then my competitors are cheating, you wanna say something else? omg you are fucking irritating. My name is "sonicam" not "Sonicam", get it right.

EDIT: and another thing about "Internet experience". You constantly say that everyone is backing me up because I am a regular and you are new here. That is a fucking load of bullshit. I'm sure there are members here that hate my guts. but these people know me. I've spent a lot of time here at TSC so I've gained a sense of trust from some members, wheither it be from strats I've given (yes, I've given strat before, not many but some), I've spoken to them, or even meet them in person. You keep thinking that you shouldn't be judged on your personality, when that is bs as well. It's indefinate to be judged by personality, just because you are on the other side of a computer screen that doesn't mean you don't have one and we can't sense it. If you are asshole to others, others will be an asshole to you. You don't seem to get that, or understand or better yet care, but you will in time. May not be because of TSC, but you'll get it sooner or later.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2006, 02:52:26 pm by sonicam »
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2006, 03:10:57 pm »
I could type a lengthy argument here about why PsyBorg is wrong and everyone else is right but I dont feel it necessary due to sonicam's and everyone else's efforts.

In short, PsyBorg quit while your several miles behind. Your only making yourself look a bigger arse.

[EDIT] You got the wrong Psy*.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2006, 03:20:51 pm by SadisticMystic »
Did you not think I had a mind?

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2006, 04:44:21 pm »
Well, I can't help but think that you have just been pwned.

<3 Thorn.

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2006, 04:51:43 pm »
Yeah, and what's even funnier is that sub 4:30 is possible. I think I might go for that just out of anger and then go back to retirement...

EDIT: I was wrong, sub 4:20 was possible. I won't even care if you still think I'm bsing,  cuz I'm too proud of that run. Sooner or later Imma get a camera phone and Imma take a pic all my records that ppl think are bs.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2006, 06:47:50 pm by sonicam »
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2006, 07:32:54 pm »
PsyBorg, do you use Chaos Control?

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2006, 11:50:23 pm »
holy shit sonicam?  thought you retired, but here you are pwning my Death Ruins and had me thinking they couldn't get any better...espeically how fast you did hero.

too much MMXC and not enough Shadow makes you suck I guess, well after I'm done with MMXC (which will happen like with and on of replaying those great games over and over), then I'll be back to pwn, but I'm worried there wont be much of me pwning unless I figure some other things out.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2006, 12:02:08 am »
lawl, yeah, I really don't know what I'm going to do about my retirement. I want to retire and I don't. I'm just going to be playing for fun and like mike told me, don't play if it's a chore (so I can safely throw SADX out the window. :D). I'm going to play in moderation, but I still don't know. Also SJ, don't worry, the pwning won't last as I still will never get many stages.

Also, MMXC! :o I really want that game. I'm going to get that sometime this week. I know this is really off topic, but have you played Battle and Chase yet, if so how is it? and do the games have the same feel as theoriginals?
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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2006, 01:14:40 pm »
well that was the reason I bought this collection...I never plyaed any X games ever.  I like them anyway, but others from gamefaqs who have like the emulation and says its great.  Except for some little tiny things they did, its good.  And Battle and Chase sucks ass, its like a poor mans mario kart.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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PsyBorg, enough of you harrasment.
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2006, 01:22:47 pm »
lol, I still can't wait to play it. X)
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